Category Archives: Legal Advice and Consultion

In my own write: A perfect love
From the Jerusalem Post By JUDY MONTAGU June 28, 2011 In Israel, 300,000 individuals are suffering through grandparents being cut off from their grandchildren. Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild – Welsh proverb ‘Savta – when are you coming again?” I heard my neighbor’s little girl call to her grandmother from […]
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Head to Head / Isn’t New York’s take on same-sex marriage a major step?
An interview with family rights activist Irit Rosenblum. By Tomer Zarchin Attorney Irit Rosenblum, the founder and chairperson of the New Family Organization for Advancement of Family Rights, each year handles hundreds of cases involving homosexual and lesbian couples that are heard primarily in the family affairs courts. These involve requests by same-sex couples to […]
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Nearly Half the Families in Israel Are Outside of the Consensus
“Nearly half the families in Israel are outside of the consensus”, says Advocate Irit Rosenblum, Founder and Executive Director of New Family. “The state mistreats 800,000 families. Women who have civil wedding in Cyprus, for example, are not entitled to alimony.” “I began to formulate the idea of New Family in the middle of […]
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Financial Agreement ? Let’s sign with love
Mr. Troll and Ms. Troll fell in love. Will you move in with me? Shall we sign a financial agreement? We agree. Let’s sign with love. Sealed with a kiss. This agreement was drawn up and signed lovingly in Tel Aviv between Mr. Troll Israeli and Ms. Troll Canaanite. . For further information, go to […]
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‘Prove that you have a daughter’
Baby Dana was born prematurely, 270 days after her mother’s divorce. An archaic law requires that a baby born less than 300 days after a divorce be registered as the child of the mother’s former husband. The result: Dana’s biological father is not recognized. The Ministry of the Interior: ‘Our hands our tied’. Dana’s only […]
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Legal precedent: a man can adopt the child of his spouse
By: Gilad Grossman, Walla! News Until now, the law did not allow homosexuals to adopt the children of their partners, because the child has two official parents. Thursday, the court ruled that a man could adopt the biological son of his partner. Family Court in Jerusalem ruled Thursday for the first time that a man […]
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Legal ruling will allow gay men to adopt partner’s child
By RUTH EGLASH “This is a big step for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community in Israel,” commented lawyer Irit Rosenblum. A breakthrough legal ruling in the Jerusalem Family Court on Thursday will pave the way for homosexuals to officially adopt their partner’s or spouse’s child, the Tel Aviv-based New Family organization told The […]
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New Family fills a crucial gap in the theory and practice of law and human rights
New Family fills a crucial gap in the theory and practice of law and human rights, by working for equal family rights for all residents of Israel, including the rights to marry, divorce, have children, register spouses and children, and conduct family life regardless of religion, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, or status. Since 1998, New […]
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New frontiers in posthumous reproduction
Last month, an Israeli woman gave birth to a baby conceived from the stored sperm of a man who died of cancer six years ago. While posthumous reproduction is no longer a new concept, this case does represent a new frontier. Although the home of this new mother is filled with photos of her baby’s […]
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