Domestic Union Cards™ are picture identification cards that entitle couples to legal status and rights equal to married couples on the basis of a legal affidavit that its holders are common-law spouses. They prove couples’ status as common-law spouses in Israel and abroad. Domestic Union Cards™ provide an egalitarian alternative to orthodox religious marriage.

Who Can Get Domestic Union Cards™?Domestic Union Card

New Family issues Domestic Union Cards™ to two adult partners of any gender, religion or nationality that meet the legal definition of common-law spouses in Israel. The couple must live together and share financial responsibilities as a family. They must declare their exclusive commitment and affirm that they do not live with another partner in a legal affidavit signed in front of a New Family’ attorney. The partners are photographed separately and issued their individualpicture ID’s on the spot.

Legal Recognition

Domestic Union Cards™ have been recognized by international legal prizes, including the InnovAction Award and the Hubbard One Marketing Initiative of the Year 

 To get Domestic Union Cards™ Please call us: 03-5660504 Sunday to Thursday

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